ThinkCMS v5
ThinkCMS version 5 is released in Q1 2018 and it is the next major version of the system featuring a new UI and over 460 improvements along with PHP 7.2 compatibility. Although we can not list all new features here, we have selected a few.
- Full redesign of the whole admin area;
- Faster and cleaner responsive UI;
- Made for modern browsers;
- Off-screen menus for more working space;
- Errors, success messages and confirmations provide more information;
- Lighter and faster core, 3x improvement on PHP 7.2***;
- New and improved UI for easier workflow;
- Select multiple items for deletion; **
- Deleting items does not return you to the first page anymore;
- Double clicking the item in the hierarchy tree goes directly to edit mode, single click shows sub-items; *
- Improved filtering of results;
- Drag and drop sorting; *
- Quick actions for moving to top / bottom; *
- Additional UI improvements for sorting items;
Adding / Editing
- Cleaner input fields;
- Better selects with faster autocomplete features;
- New HTML5 compliant WYSIWYG editor;
- The editor expands automatically to fit your content;
- Fixed toolbar and controls to avoid scrolling to the top to apply a style or modify the content;
- Improved Media Manager. Images inserted into content are optimized and compressed;
- New image cropping tool with more control over cropped thumbnails;
- Drop files to import; *
- Improved UI of the multi-image uploader;
- Full screen image cropper;
- Better date and time pickers;
- Clicking view items from the edit item form returns to the previous position in the listing (not the first page like before);
- Hierarchy tree is shown on add / edit forms for easier navigation;
- Dynamic content blocks;
- New sortable multiselect form component;
- View on site, direct preview links from the admin area to the content on the public site;
- Alternate content versions for other languages with automatic hreflang implementation;
- Customizable social sharing tags and images;
- Strict password rules for all admin passwords;
- Brute force protection and account locking;
- Improved CSRF protection;
- Configurable HSTS Policy for sites with SSL;
- Improved session ID entropy;
- Password hashing with Argon2i;
- Secure encryption with AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC;
- Support for encrypted file/image names;
- GDPR compliant secure data storage for sensitive / private data;
- Automatic checks for known security issues in used packages;
New standard modules
- GDPR Cookie Module - Create GDPR compliant cookie consent banners and manage consents;
- Social redirects - Create social sharing links with custom title, description and image;
- Admin log - All actions in the admin area are logged for security purposes. Users with high level access now can see who did what and when;
- TinyPNG - Smart PNG and JPEG compression. Optimize your images with a perfect balance in quality and file size;
- New storage and database architecture supporting high volumes of data and documents;
- Improved handling of transparent PNG images;
- PNG image compression;
- Optional smart JPG and PNG image compression via the TinyPNG API;
- Improved integration with CloudFlare;
- On demand cropped thumbnails;
- System tools with new UI;
- New help center;
- HTTP/2 server push;
- PHP 7.2 support;
* Features available where supported by the objects
** If allowed, available or turned on;
*** Based on internal benchmarks for existing projects;
Change log
- Garbage collector for uploaded images / files;
- Newsletter bug fix on Chrome r66;
- When an image / file upload fails, the previous upload is not deleted;
- Dynamic content blocks;
- Code cleanup and refactoring in some essential modules;
- HSTS Policy is now configurable;
- New sortable multiselect form component;
- Pages and news include a social sharing image by default;
- New TinyPNG module;
- Passwords hashed with Argon2i for better protection;
- Database logging for TinyPNG optimized images;
- HTML Purifier updated to latest;
- UI improvements in Newsletter module;
- New admin login screens and improved security;
- Admin password reset forms;
- New GDPR compliant cookie consent module;
- Data anonymization and pseudonymization methods ensuring no personal or sensitive data is stored in in admin logs;
- Improved Excel imports and exports;
- Chrome XSS Auditor, false positive error fixed;
- UI Fixes;
The 5.1.0 release is a mayor code refactoring of the existing modules that introduces numerous improvements and new features.
- New defense in depth measures for password storage;
- New data validator methods
- Optimized configuration storage;
- Speed improvements;
- Lighter core, uses ~3% less memory;
- MediaManager supports SVG images;
- HTML Purifier updated to 4.10.0;
- PHPMailer updated to 6.0.4;
- Sort to bottom bug fix;
- UI improvements;
- Implemented standards:
- PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces;
- PSR-15 HTTP server request handlers and middleware;
- PSR-11 Dependency injection containers;
- Automatic checks for known security issues in used packages;
- PHPMailer updated to 6.0.4;
- Stricter cookie security;
- PHP 7.4 support;
Features in development
- WebP image support for all image upload components;
- Support for converting uploaded images into WebP, with fallback image for older browsers;